Scleroderma – Sclerodermia

  Sclerodermia este o boală autoimună care afectează pielea, vasele de sânge și organele interne. Această afecțiune multisistemică are o evoluție cronică și are la bază un dezechilibru între sinteza și degradarea colagenului, conducând la acumularea în exces și depozitarea acestuia și a altor proteine celulare în țesuturi. Asociază modificări inflamatorii vasculare și tulburări la…

Multiple sclerosis

A disease of the central nervous system, multiple sclerosis is defined by a nerve structures’ demyelination process, respectively by a corrosion of the phospho-lipido-proteic sheath covering the nerve fibers. As location, demyelination affects especially the brain, the bone marrow and the optic nerves. From the physiological point of view, this degradation of the nervous system…


Defined as a lateral deviation of the spinal column, scoliosis affects not only the structure of the spinal cord but also the functions of the nerve centers located at the level of the bone marrow, a reason for which the vertebral deviations have also neurological consequences.  These nerve centers coordinate the activity of the organs…

Secrets of traditional medicine

If you want to be guarded against any cataclysm or to avoid having a major problem; if you want to be treated for a disorder or to get rid of a handicap, your preventive education and culture in this field must be started from an early age. As regards prevention, nowadays people show great carelessness.…

Burnout syndrome

Used to describe the symptoms of physical and emotional overstrain, the term of burnout syndrome refers especially to the consequences of overworking. If in the past it was the harsh working conditions that overworked a person (overcrowded, ill-ventilated and poorly-lit rooms; very low or very high temperatures; rude tools and equipment etc., nowadays it is…

Cerebelar syndrome

Cerebellar syndromes define a complex of symptoms associated to a patological condition caused usually by damage to the cerebellum or to the spinocerebellar tracts. Part of the central nervous system, the cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa, behind the brainstem. It is involved in coordination of movement, muscle tonus management and maintenance of…

Atention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD

Hyperkinetic syndrome or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder covers a number of behavior disorders manifested mainly in childhood, before the age of seven. It may occur in adult life, too, against the background of a conflictual situation, professional reorientation or other related difficulties, very severe emotional traumas or injuries; stressful or frustrating situations, things that require…

Meniere’s disease

Treatment of Meniere’s disease attempts to reduce the pressure in the internal ear by regulating the endolymph circulation, so that the vestibular functions could be carried out within normal parameters. In advanced stages, the physician acts at cerebral level by specific acupuncture procedures for a correct reading of the information about balance and for the…

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome defines a female endocrine disorder manifested by irregular menstruation or amenorrhea (abnormal suppression or absence of menstruation), abnormal vaginal bleeding, sterility, hirsutism (excessive and increased hair growth), baldness, acne, fat complexion, cutaneous pigmentation, obesity, metabolic disorders (especially resistant toinsulin and diabetes) and cardio-vascular complications (of which the most frequent is hypertension). The…

Ankylosing spondylitis

The treatments employed allow the functional recovery of the patient suffering from ankylosing spondylitis by arresting the inflammatory process and restoring the articular deformities. Thus, the symptoms are reduced and completely neutralized. A special treatment is required in ankylosing spondylitis to prevent the complete loss of spine mobility, which would render the patient unable of…